Automated generation of flat tileable patterns and 3D reduced model simulation

Computers & Graphics, Volume 106, page 141--151 - 2022
Download the publication : 1-s2.0-S0097849322000929-main.pdf [2.1Mo]  

The computational fabrication community is developing an increasing interest in the use of patterned surfaces, which can be designed to show ornamental and unconventional aesthetics or to perform as a proper structural material with a wide range of features. Geometrically designing and controlling the deformation capabilities of these patterns in response to external stimuli is a complex task due to the large number of variables involved. This paper introduces a method for generating sets of tileable and exchangeable flat patterns as well as a model-reduction strategy that enables their mechanical simulation at interactive rates. This method is included in a design pipeline that aims to turn any general flat surface into a pattern tessellation, which is able to deform under a given loading scenario. To validate our approach, we apply it to different contexts, including real-scale 3D printed specimens, for which we compare our results with the ones provided by a ground-truth solver.

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BibTex references

  author       = "Manolas, Iason and Laccone, Francesco and Cherchi, Gianmarco and Malomo, Luigi and Cignoni, Paolo",
  title        = "Automated generation of flat tileable patterns and 3D reduced model simulation",
  journal      = "Computers \& Graphics",
  volume       = "106",
  pages        = "141--151",
  year         = "2022",
  keywords     = "Computational design; Digital fabrication; Simulation",
  url          = ""

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» Iason Manolas
» Francesco Laccone
» Gianmarco Cherchi
» Luigi Malomo
» Paolo Cignoni